Things to Know About

Pet Relocation

Moving pets intentionally can be a complicated tale if not appropriately handled. The job needs proper arrangements and preparations.

How can one make it without lots of tussles? We will provide you with answers to common questions that are being asked by pet owners. Remember, you’re not alone! Let’s dive in!

How will I know the pet requirements of my destination country?

For a smooth pet journey, carefully research pet importing laws of your destination country. Some countries are stricter than others. Countries like Australia outline everything on their ministry of agriculture websites while others do not. For those countries that do not have an online presence, You have to go the extra mile like checking on individual Singapore mover company web page to know much about the particular country’s pet vaccine requirements, health documents, and possible quarantines.

Which documents are mandatory with pet traveling?

Documents vary from one country to the other. But there are some standard documents. Ensure you’ve got the documents of your pet’s rabies vaccine and other vaccinations, a clearance letter from your vet, and the other set requirements of your airline and the destination country. You need multiple copies, and they should be signed at the stipulated position. Incomplete and missing paperwork will cause unnecessary hiccups.

Should I engage pet relocation service providers?

Are you nervous about moving your pet intentionally? If yes, think no further. It would be best if you hire services from pet relocation Singapore providers. The professional pet mover companies will help you with everything regarding pet transportation, from following all the pet importation rules of your destination country to arranging your pet’s traveling. They will also offer you success stories and tips from individuals who were in the same situation as you, hence boosting your morale.

What's the cost of shipping my pet?

The cost of pet import to Singapore depends on various aspects. It’s not a cheap endeavor. Compile import permits, customs clearance, health certificates, plane tickets, and delivery fees. It needs money. That’s why you’re supposed to prepare as early as possible. But it’s worth it? It depends on how you regard your pet.

Can I call my airline?

Whether you’ve booked your tickets or not, it’s advisable to call your prescribed airline and ask them there guidelines and options when one travels with pets. Sometimes you may find the airline has got additional regulations that the destination country doesn’t have. The airline will also provide you with the pet crate specifics and size. And even if your pet is below a certain weight, you can ask whether the airline allows such pets to travel in an in-cabin with you.

Do I need my vet's advice?

The answer is a big YES! A vet’s voice is vital in this situation. They will tell you if your pet has any concern with long flights. Generally, young, anxious, sick, and anxious pets are not allowed to travel in cargo. A vet will also help in preparing the pet for the travel. This can be a prescription of anti-anxiety medication for pet relaxation and ensure the pet is up to date with its vaccinations. Also, the vets will help you to check out any health issues as dictated by the country you are relocating to.

How will I know my pet is safe?

Documents vary from one country to the other. But there are some standard documents. Ensure you’ve got the documents of your pet’s rabies vaccine and other vaccinations, a clearance letter from your vet, and the other set requirements of your airline and the destination country. You need multiple copies, and they should be signed at the stipulated position. Incomplete and missing paperwork will cause unnecessary hiccups.

Do I need an emergency kit?

This is one of the mistakes that many pet owners make. Like humans that need an overnight emergency kit, pets also need an emergency kit consisting of toys, grooming tools, and food. This is an essential aspect because it will create a home-like environment that will help the pet to adapt.

What are the preparation timelines?

Like your visa, moving with your pet internationally is another lengthy process. So what’s the appropriate preparation timelines? You need around six months to put everything in order. Countries like Japan, if you do not prepare early enough, your pet will travel later dates, a scenario that’s not pleasant at all. A last-minute rush is not a thing you should with pet relocation.

Can I label or microchip my pet?

They say, “you don’t know what you have until you lose it’. And with pets, we say, “don’t dare to lose them.” Some pets are precious gold in some countries. They’re so pricey, and if you’re careless with your pet, thieves will teach you a lesson. A tag and a pet microchip make it easier for you to track your pet.

What if my pet is not a dog or a cat?

If you’re moving with an uncommon pet such as a reptile, small critter, or bird, do enough research on your destination country. Not all states accept the entry of every animal. Due to culture and religious believes, some countries are so skeptical about some animals. Next, you should know the pet’s health specifics, travel requirements, and if it requires a mandatory quarantine period.

Pet Relocation Services

Moving pets internationally need advanced planning. This is a stressful process, and it requires a proper arrangement. Start as early as possible. Seek some insights from pet movers in Singapore, vets, airlines, and the embassy of the destination country. Ensure your pet safety is the priority. Regular foods and toys are a necessity. This is because they will create a home-like environment for the pet hence enabling it to adapt quickly with the new environment. Safe journey!

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